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man in black crew neck t-shirt wearing black sunglasses holding black smartphone
man in black crew neck t-shirt wearing black sunglasses holding black smartphone
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red white and gray jigsaw puzzle
red white and gray jigsaw puzzle
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high angle photo of assorted-color plastic balls
high angle photo of assorted-color plastic balls
closeup of white Sony PS4 controller
closeup of white Sony PS4 controller
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· 100% transparent and LIVE jackpot process

· Guaranteed Prizes every Fridays.

· 88% of the collected amount will be distributed.

· Prize money is subject to 12% deduction

· Level Bonus will be distributed in the ticket sale as well as the prize money

· You will get 12 chances per ticket, one chance every week on Friday.

· If the user doesn’t hit the jackpot, he/she can claim refund after 12 unlucky chances.

· Level Distribution amount will be deducted from the refund amount.

· Jackpot will be run every FRIDAY 6PM UK Time.

· JackPot Number will flash at 6:05PM UK TIME on Fridays

· Jackpot amount will be instantly credited to your CricToken Fund Wallet as per the distribution structure.

John Doe
